E4Life is a 10 month missional discipleship Initiative lead by a group of seasoned ministry leaders. E4Life is based off of Ephesians Chapter 4. We believe that Ephesians 4 sums up the transformational living that we desire for our E4Life students in the areas of character, conduct and calling, all inside the foundation of unity in the body of Christ. 

We are a partnered ministry of Rocky Mountain Calvary, which is a non-denominational church founded in Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1987.


We exist to empower young people to know and live out their kingdom calling as Christ followers, so they can empower others to do the same


Our vision is to deeply connect to Jesus and his mission through education and experience and then live it out through authentic gospel living.


E4Life is headquartered in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado. Most of our teaching sessions will be at our parter church, Rocky Mountain Calvary. We believe the local church is vital to the mission of making the gospel known among the nations, so RMC has partnered with our gap year to help equip our students with a place to learn, sound biblical teachers, and opportunities to serve in the community.


Eric Cartier
Eric CartierSenior Pastor of Rocky Mountain Calvary
Eric Cartier is the senior pastor of RMC and has been on staff since 2000. When he started he was hired to work specifically with the teens and young adults at the church. Eric had this to say about E4, “As someone who has worked with young adults for years now I believe it is vital that we equip them with biblical teaching and lead them to discover their purpose in this world through Jesus and not let the world define them. Our mission at RMC is to be, make, and send. I believe that E4 has a similar vision to help each young adult be a disciple of Jesus by equipping them with the tools necessary to share, defend their faith, and know Jesus personally. Through this they will become disciples who make disciples what ever they do, and go out into the world to be the change necessary to impact lives for the kingdom. I am so excited to have E4 as apart of our church, to see the students lives changed and our community impacted by their presence.
Sean Rafferty
Sean RaffertyFounder/Pastor/Director of Operations
I have been pastoring within Calvary Chapel for over 25 years. My wife Lisa and I have had the incredible privilege of traveling to over 30 countries leading teams and sharing the gospel with the hurting and the lost. We have four lovely daughters. I was also a church planter for 7 years, pioneering a new work in Chihuahua, Mexico. I returned from the mission field in 2014 to fill a pastoral role at RMC.
Ryan Breakfield
Ryan BreakfieldProgram Director
In 2017 I felt the call to leave my corporate job as the district manager for a marketing company to become a missionary. As a missionary I taught evangelism to believers in India, Mexico, and all over the U.S. While in India I experienced the gospel in a new way, and I realized the urgency that we must have to make disciples and share the gospel. This lead me to co-found a college group in Northern California that stirred the hearts of the young adults in our community to know God’s word, serve Him, and live in community by doing life on life discipleship. After a couple of years I wanted to do something more radical, so in 2020 I took my own gap year with an organization that takes people over seas to do missions. After only going to 3 out of 11 countries, because of covid, we got pulled back to the U.S. to do missions within the states. That year long journey taught me so much, but most importantly it showed me my heart for young adults to see their value, and to help them live out their personal calling in the Kingdom of God.